The Studi-SPRiNT Program

Studi-SPRiNT’s intercultural training program aims to build intercultural skills among students at TU Dresden in preparation for working or inetrning abroad, as well as for their future career in a globalized world.

The workshops prepare them for the globalized demands of the professional working world during their studies. This contributes to increased motivation to gain international business experience and a dedication to successful studies. The project has joined 16 other projects in the TUD umbrella program to ensure academic success.

Studi-SPRiNT also motivates students to form learning tandems during their studies in order to stimulate futher intercultural learning and contribute to better integration of international students in the future. [/toggle]

Who is Studi-SPRiNT For?

The workhops are mostly aimed at engineering students, but they are also available to anyone planning to live overseas (link is only available in German) with the Erasmus+ or Promos programs.

What Does the Program Include?

  • On-site language and intercultural competence qualification for each study phase (starting from the first semester).
  • Incentives for German and foreign students to support each other’s studies through tandems.
  • Support and professional feedback for international internships or studies abroad completed through the program.
  • Intercultural adaptation training as a form of support for a stay abroad.