Erasmus+ internship abroad outside the European Union

The EU’s Erasmus+ mobility program enables students and graduates to study, conduct research, or complete an internship abroad as part of their studies. For higher education, the Erasmus+ program is organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The initial goal of the Erasmus+ program was to improve transnational cooperation between European countries as well as cooperation between European universities and European companies.

Moving to the 2021-2027 program generation, the Erasmus+ program now also allows for the funding of student mobility to EU partner countries and countries associated with the EU. With this part of the program, stays in Switzerland, the United Kingdom and countries outside Europe can now be financially supported even if they are not part of a bilateral university partnership.

On these pages you will find all necessary information about this part of the program.

If you would like to study abroad at a university, please contact the International Office of your university.

Financial means in the project

Amount of stipend for the call July-August 2024 via LEOSACHSEN:
EUR 99.252
Amount of stipend to be managed by Saxon partner institutions and departments of TU Dresden:

Higher Education Institution/ Institute Stipend Person in charge
BAS EUR 5,800  Ilona Scherm
FHD EUR 5,843 Paola Yaconis
HSMW EUR 13,626 Ulrike Worbs-Reichenbach
HTWDD EUR 11,600 Juliane Terpe
HTWKL EUR 8,700 Silke Mühl
TUD/ BU EUR 5,800 Dr. Sabine Leischner
TUD/ IW EUR 31,900 Maike Heitkamp-Mai
TUD/ MN EUR 60,900 Prof. Jan J. Weigand
TUD/ ZLSB EUR 11,600 Maria Richter-Babekoff

The decentrally tendered funds are being put out to tender by KA171 project partnerships to bridge financial bottlenecks. The funds can therefore be spent within these project partnerships and do not have to be tendered externally.
The funding rules for this are
– Funding of internships for a maximum duration of 2 months
– Funding for staff mobility for a period of 5-10 days
If you have any questions about the decentralized funding, please get in touch with the contact persons listed in the table on the right.

About LEOSACHSEN supportable mobility

Students’ mobility for internship purposes
The sending organization has to be a higher education institution participating in the Saxon Erasmus+ Consortium with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
Host organizations can be organizations active in the labor market or in the fields of education, professional and youth activities.

  • public or private small, medium or large enterprises (including public service enterprises),
  • local, regional or national public bodies,
  • a social partner or other representative of the labor market (including chambers of commerce, craft or professional associations, and trade unions),
  • research institutions,
  • foundations,
  • schools/institutes/education centers (from pre-school through upper secondary education including institutions to vocational and adult education),
  • non-profit organizations, associations, NGOs,
  • career counseling, guidance, and information centers,
    Higher education institutions.

Eligible participants

  • (PhD) students who are enrolled in one of the participating Saxon higher educational institutions and are studying a subject leading to a recognised academic degree or other recognised tertiary level qualification (up to and including a doctorate).
  • (PhD) Students who are employed by one of the participating Saxon higher education institutions through an employment contract can apply for short-term mobility funding in the Staff Mobility area.
  • Students can receive financial aid at the earliest in their second year of higher education studies in an undergraduate programme.
  • Graduates (Please note that the application or written announcement of the mobility must be made while still a student).

Target countries

Students must carry out their mobility activities in an EU Partner Country or an EU Associated Country that is neither the country of the sending institution nor their country of residence.

Duration of stay

  • Long-term stays between 60 and 180 days
    (Attention: the grant duration does not exceed 120 days).
  • Short-term stays between 5 and 30 days plus virtual component of at least two hours and at least 3 ECTS must be awarded.

Scholarship rates

  • Internships in Switzerland and the United Kingdom:
    – Monthly accommodation allowance of  750 EUR.
    – If applicable, Top Up  250 EUR/month in case of chronic illness, physical disability (GDB 20), first academic status, working students according to Erasmus+ definition, students with child.
  • Internships outside Europe:
    – Monthly accommodation allowance of  700 EUR
    – Travel allowance staggered by distance between EUR 309 and EUR 1,725
    – If applicable, Top Up 250 EUR /month in case of chronic illness, physical disability (GDB 20), first-time graduate status, working students according to Erasmus+ definition, students with children.

Funding is available for up to 120 days of stay, periods of stay beyond this will be included in the Learning Agreement as zero-grant days.
Erasmus+ funding may be increased through other sources that are not EU funds. (e.g. through foreign grants, educational loans, foundation funds…).

Selection criteria

  • Completion of the application within one of the two call deadlines in the project:
  • Applications will only be accepted for internships that have a lead time of 2 months (e.g. complete application on 02.08.2024: funding period begins on 02.10.2024 at the earliest and only if there is still an eligible period of 60 days left).
  • Affiliation to one of the participating universities (degree seeking students only)
  • Compliance of the internship objectives with the eligible objectives of the Erasmus+ program
    – Availability of financial resources in the project
    – A maximum of up to 20% of the total Erasmus+ International funding will be used for internships in Switzerland. 50% of this partial amount will be used for PJs of medical students.
    – Funding is provided subject to geographical diversification: in comparison, preference is given to applications for countries to which no internship has yet been funded.
    – Erasmus+ funding is no longer granted for internship with a remuneration of EUR 2,000 Gross more in order to provide funding for students who receive no or only a low internship remuneration.

The sense and the nonsense of zero-grant agreements

Within the European Union, Erasmus+ student mobility is now well known and is supported by numerous international agreements to facilitate exchanges within Europe.
Outside Europe, many of these facilitating structures have not yet been established. In case of lack of financial resources in the funded project, a complete Erasmus+ zero-grant agreement can ensure the quality of your stay at different levels:

  • Presentation of the Erasmus+ trainee as part of the sending institution instead of an individual mobility which is difficult to assess for the hosting institution. This can increase the willingness of the host institution to accept the traineeship.
  • Ensuring the quality of the internship as, in addition to the work tasks, mentoring and monitoring as well as the evaluation of the internship are specified in the agreement.
  • Facilitating visa acquisition by acknowledging the internship as part of the study program.
  • Opens up the opportunity to apply for the DAAD insurance for Erasmus+ interns.
  • Facilitating the recognition of the internship through defined Erasmus+ processe.

Social participation and easier access

Social participation and equal opportunities are guiding themes of the Erasmus+ program generation 2021-2027. By removing the potential barriers, the access conditions for people with fewer opportunities are to be improved and equal access is to be created.
For this purpose, Erasmus+ offers concrete measures that address different levels: Starting with the 2021 call, financial support offers will be extended in the form of a top-up for students in addition to the regular monthly Erasmus+ grant.
In addition, participants with a disability (GdB 20 or more) or chronic illness (with additional financial needs abroad) and students who start their stay abroad with a child/children can take the opportunity to submit an application for a real cost subsidy for the additional costs incurred abroad.
Persons in this target group (fewer opportunities) also receive travel expenses for certain mobility formats or have the option of applying for and starting a preliminary trip in advance.
If you have any questions on the subject, please contact us.
General information and the Erasmus+ criteria catalog can be found here.

Insurance coverage

There is no insurance coverage associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant. Neither the EU Commission nor the NA DAAD are liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with Erasmus+ stays abroad.
The following insurances should be demonstrably in place during the Erasmus+ mobility:

  • if applicable, travel insurance (including repatriation from abroad)
  • Liability insurance (professional and personal liability, if applicable)
  • Insurance for accidents and serious illness (including full or partial disability)
  • Life insurance (including repatriation from abroad)

For internships it is obligatory to have accident insurance for damages suffered by the beneficiary at the workplace and liability insurance for damages caused by the beneficiary at the workplace.
Insurance costs can be financed by the participant from the mobility grant. All participants in the Erasmus+ program have the possibility to be included in the group insurance of the DAAD, which offers comprehensive insurance coverage. Further information on this can be found here.
Please make sure that all your insurances either cover an extended time frame beyond the planned stay or can be extended comparatively easily from abroad in order to be able to insure unforeseen extensions of the stay, e.g. due to the Corona pandemic.

Country-specific travel and safety information

When preparing for mobility, please also refer to the country-specific travel and security advice issued by the German Foreign Office.
All travelers are recommended to register in the electronic registration of the Federal Foreign Office for inclusion in the crisis prevention and response measures of the Federal Foreign Office (Elefand)

Already read? In “Before you go” we inform you about many small but important things to think about when preparing for your internship abroad.

Approximately a fortnight after the start of your internship and around halfway through the planned internship period LEOSACHSEN will contact you and enquire your current status with regards to your personal wellbeing and your progress in your internship. These monitorings shall help you to determine what has gone well so far or where some readjustments would be necessary. Especially if you need the support or confirmation of the office, the monitorings can be helpful. Is everything going well and you don’t need the monitoring? Then we are all the more happy for you.

Change of your Erasmus+ contract:
Please inform LEOSACHSEN in writing one month BEFORE the start of the change about changes in the internship such as the planned extension or shortening or the extensive change of workload. To do this, please use the workflow step offered in the online application tool. Please be aware that these changes can only be applied for until one month before the end of your planned stay. Consequently, thereafter, the link of this step will expire and not to be seen anymore.

Closing documents:

  • Grant Agreement in original (fully signed, original signatures)
  • Learning Agreement DURING THE MOBILITY (fully signed, scan or copy)
  • If applicable, amendment agreement (fully signed, original signatures)
  • Enrollment certificate(s)
  • Learning Agreement AFTER THE MOBILITY or qualified internship certificate (signed and stamped, scan or copy)
  • Proof of recognition of the achievements abroad
  • EU Survey ( filled out and uploaded online)
  • If applicable, complete intercultural report

Please note:
Only if your closing documents have been approved you’re eligible to receive your second installment.
Your closing documents will not be checked before you have gone through all the necessary workflow steps and confirmed that your closing documents are complete.

Funding conditions

  • The Erasmus+ funding application must be received before the start of the internship.
  • Funding applications for internships in the United Kingdom will only be accepted if submitted at least 5 months prior to the planned internship start date.
  • Proof of enrollment at one of the participating universities must be provided during the application period.
  • The internship must be related to your current studies.
  • The internship abroad must take place in an eligible country for which there is no travel warning issued by the German Foreign Office.
  • Erasmus+ funding outside Europe is only financially supported for a duration of up to 120 days.
  • Internships in Switzerland are only financially supported if the internship salary is less than 1,500 EUR .
  • The duration of the internship has to be at least 2 months.
  • Short-term stays (5 to 30 days) are supported only on the justification of the short duration and with a virtual component.
  • So-called returnees (“homecoming students”: international students returning to their country of origin for an Erasmus+ internship) must prove their primary residence in Germany.
  • Dissertations can be funded with an Erasmus+ grant, provided that the work/project tasks correspond to an internship and supervision and evaluation on site are guaranteed.
  • The Erasmus+ internship must be carried out as a full-time internship (at least 35 hours per week).
  • Sufficient insurance coverage must be provided for the Erasmus+ internship.
  • Any non-compliance with the rules of the Erasmus+ contract for the internship may result in the Erasmus+ grant being reduced or revoked.
    This applies to:
    o Shortening or terminating the internship to less than 2 months,
    o Changes in the agreed internship content and work tasks.
  • Extension requests must be submitted in the SOP tool at least one month before the the change takes effect and will only be granted up to the maximum duration of 120 days, provided that funding is available in the project.
  • The grant will be awarded subject to available financial resources in the project and geographical dispersion.

The National Agency at the DAAD has provided comprehensive advice for students on all matters concerning international mobility and the Corona Pandemic. On our pages we refer to the advice given there at the appropriate places.

Data protection

Documents with personal data (application documents, Erasmus+ scholarship contract, closing documents and further, individually relevant documents regarding the Erasmus+ internship) are required by the LEONARDO OFFICE SAXONY electronically and in paper form for the processing and review of the application, for the decision regarding the award of an Erasmus+ scholarship as well as for the monitoring and accounting of the Erasmus+ internship. These documents will be kept in the LEONARDO OFFICE SAXONY for another ten years after the end of the project through which the scholarship holder was funded, in accordance with the requirements of the Erasmus+ program and legal requirements of the state of Saxony. This is necessary because both the European Commission in Brussels and the National Agency and Testing Institutions in Germany are entitled to audit the application process and the allocation of Erasmus+ scholarship funds in general and in each individual case during this period. After the expiration of this period, the documents of the applicants and trainees will be destroyed in the LEONARDO OFFICE SAXONY in a data-protection-safe manner.

How to submit a complaint?

Every applicant or scholarship holder can complain in writing to report deficiencies in the area of Erasmus+ scholarships for internships abroad. The first contact person, regardless of the complaint, is the Erasmus+ coordinator Ms. Claudia Schönherr.

In justified cases, e.g. in case of inactivity of the Erasmus+ Coordinator or her deputy, Dr. Husam Mohammad, the complainants can directly contact the management of the LEONARDO OFFICE SAXONY.

What happens to the complaint?

The contact persons forward the complaint to the responsible offices and ensure that it is resolved in a timely manner. Every complaint is treated confidentially. If it seems necessary for problem resolution, relevant persons (e.g. representatives of the sending university or contacts of the receiving institution) will be involved.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, the complainants are informed either directly or in the form of a disclosure of the problem-solving process, taking into account data protection.

What impact may a complaint have?

All complaints and the actions developed as a result will be included in the next analysis of strengths and weaknesses by the LEONARDO OFFICE SAXONY as part of the evaluation of the relevant Erasmus+ project with the Saxon universities. In the case of problems that require a general, across-the-board solution, a separate evaluation will also take place in the following meeting of the “Saxon Erasmus+ Consortium”. It will be examined whether the reported problem could be solved and whether the measures used to solve it are effective in the long term. In case of particularly serious deficiencies, there is the possibility of an early evaluation.

What time frame should you anticipate?

  • The time it takes for your application to be complete – depends on you
  • Review of your application by LEOSACHSEN and preparation of contract – 2 to 4 weeks
  • Contract round – 2 to 4 weeks
  • Checking contracts and arranging payment – 2 weeks
  • Payment of your installments through the TUD Finance and Accounting Department – between 4 and 8 weeks.
  • Applying for a visa appointment – can already take up to 2 months
  • Processing of your visa application – depending on the embassy between 3 and 6 months