Erasmus+ ICM Staff Mobility targeting Saxony

The best education for a clever person is found in travel. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Once a year go someplace you‘ve never been before. (Dalai Lama)
A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. (Lao Tzu)
Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more. (Arabic proverb)
To travel is do discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. (Aldous Huxley)

These quotations show, that, what we today call intercultural exchange and networking has long and all over the world been recognized as a means of developing ones self and ones relations to other people and cultures.

The European Union’s Erasmus + programme has supported faculty mobility between program countries since its launch and expanded to include non-academic staff in 2014. Technische Universität Dresden is pleased to welcome colleagues from its European partner countries on Erasmus+ staff mobility. LEOSACHSEN wants to support them in this process.

Since 2014, Technische Universität Dresden has also been able to invite staff from its non-European university partners. On the following pages you will find information with regards to acquiring the Erasmus+ stipend and how the LEOSACHSEN service will support you to organize your stay in Dresden.