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Internship Certificate: Your Key to Future Job Applications

An internship certificate puts you ahead of the competition when you are applying for jobs in the future. The certificate would prove the extent and the quality of you daily work tasks. If possible, you should include the possibility of obtaining a certificate in your contract.

In many countries, internship certificates have a different function and structure than in Germany. For example, the Austrian internhsip process usually involves a service certificate, while internship references in France (compared to German certificates) do not contain any information about your job performance.

The Spanish certificado de trabajo serves as confirmation that you have completed your internship, and you can also ask for a letter of recommendation for additional application support. In some countries, it’s unusual to do written assessments. But in most cases, you can ask your supervisor to be your reference for future applications.

The certificate usually includes:

  • Job activities completed
  • Place, date, and signature of your supervisor
  • An official letterhead made on the last day of the internship

The certificate of internship should not only state your activities, but also evaluate the quality of your work. If you complete your internship in the European Union, you can have your internship work certified by EUROPASS . Also make sure that your internship certificate is written in English, so that you can use it for international applications.